Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Slight delay in the Zanzibar Series

Hello All -

I woke up sick this morning. Very sick. I am so thankful this didn't happen on the ferry from Zanzibar or any time in my travels. God is in control! I went to the clinic in town this afternoon for a couple of tests.

I have typhoid.

They are doing more tests to see how severe it is and will give me a prescription after that. I would appreciate your prayers. I feel a little better than this morning, but I am still not well.



Anonymous said...

I don't know if my comment from earlier will appear because something wacky happened. Anyway, I'm really sorry you're sick. Just rest as much as you can. I have no idea what typhoid is, but it doesn't sound good. Take care of yourself, friend.

Tina said...

Praying for you Jan! Lord comfort Jan and heal her quickly. Amen!