Saturday, March 1, 2008

Possible Faux Pas

I learned today from Sophia, the German gal that has been here for about 7 months that it's not appropriate to take pictures in any public places without asking permission. I shouldn't even take them of the fabrics in a shop, or click them out the window of a moving vehicle. Thankfully Kenyans are do not mind photos. The one in the shop is Doris, I asked her to make a bag out of pretty material for me. We'll see how it comes out.

Anyway, the photos of today's trip to town were rather limited. Mostly of Alana from Hastings, MN, Sophia and me. But at least you know I'm really here now. Can you make out the mountains behind us in one of the photos? I thought it would be good for you to see I'm here and hot.


Here's the photo link again:

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