Friday, January 11, 2008

Watching God Work

In the newsletter I sent out this week I promised to keep folks posted here as to the progress of this "last" push to get me out to Kenya.

Here's the situation. As of Wednesday this week I needed $750 more per month to be fully supported at 100%. The catch is that I have been the 'assistant' leader of a team from my church going to visit and learn about Care of Creation. The team of 6 leaders leaves from Minneapolis on February 8. If I am to go with the team, I need to purchase a ticket on January 24. It seems like a lot of gap to close. I need a miracle.

So, after a little coaching from a friend who has been helping me with how to best approach support raising, I drafted a letter to those on my mailing list. By 9:00 pm on Wednesday I was polishing up the final draft. Emailed it off to the printer to pick up in the morning. Thursday at 10:00 I had in hand, postage, folded letters, folded EFT forms, and cut-to-size response slips. I took those along with two sizes of envelopes (one for response slips to come back) over to my neighbors, the Waldemars to help me assemble. Then I realized I hadn't done the address labels. I left them for Whitney and Barb to work on. I got all 250 labels printed and came back.
By 1:00 pm (Thursday) everything was stuffed, stamped and licked, ready to go. I got to the post office in time to make the 2:00 pick up.

So they are in the mail. Somehow God was already at work in his vast economy. By noon today I was already up by $80 per month! Not one of those people had responded to the newsletter I just sent out - or were they. God was already at work.

The other great news is that I am at 100% of my outgoing needs. If more one-time gifts come in they will simply be there in reserve of any shortfalls along the months. If you want to give, please contact Care of Creation, be sure to specify who the giving is for.

Now I need $670 per month. I love watching God work like this. (I'm not big on straining to get a ton of things done in two weeks to move overseas, but God knows what he's doing.)

Watch with me. (I think I'll start packing now just in case of a miracle.)

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