Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So were Todd and Tamara!

Todd and Tamara Rasmuson along with Hannah Goldhor visited as part of their trip to Kenya for Daystar University business. All from my home church in Minneapolis. Todd is the Daystar US director, Hannah is his assistant.

I have known the Rasmusons for years. They were fellow missionaries, serving in Tanzania when I was in Kenya before. Last fall they hosted me during my prep time before leaving for East Africa.

Here are the friends enjoying a little tour of the Care of Creation indigenous tree nursery.

Great to have you folks! We love visitors!


Waldemar Family said...

I am amazed at how green it is. It's so fun to see Rasmusons on African turf.

miss you

Uganda trip 07 said...

Hey Jan,
Love your blogs, but your not posting on drop shots anymore. I miss seeing the pics.