Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Campus Green

Last evening after supper I took the remaining 15 minutes of daylight (this part of Africa gets dark fast once the sun sets, with no time called dusk) to snap a few photos of the incredible variety of leaves found around the campus. I am told that when the Lutheran missionaries got this piece of land they planted trees constantly. Many did not survive. But today this campus has huge shade trees to help protect people and buildings from the harsh sun. I posted the leaf photos on my photo site to the right. I purposely left my hand in some shots so you could get a feel for how gigantic some of them are.

You'll notice I have done a little rearranging as well. And added a clock with the local time there at the top of the right side, so you can think about that I'm doing when you look at it.

I'm missing you all at home.


ellen said...

Then you must be asleep right now - 11:48pm your time. Sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...


The clock is a good idea.
Thanks for sharing all your pics. It is really neat to see what nature looks like in another corner of the world. Thanks for letting us experience it with you!
Julie for the Beaches

Grace-n-Glory said...

The leaves are lovely. Miss you!