Sunday, June 27, 2010

Under the Weather

Hello Dear Readers,

I have been a little busy lately, which keeps me from blogging. But in addition, I am now battling a head cold and some sort of very debilitating stomach issue. It's all part of living in Nairobi. This too shall pass. My writing isn't lacking for topics, I think of many things to write about, most of them come to me while driving, so you can see it's a little hard to jot them when I think of them.

Maybe you are in a season of not getting a chance to read blogs very often, like I'm in a season of not writing very often. I hope that will change for both of us, but it may be another month before I can realistically say that life will have calmed down enough to be able to get the time to write.

If you have some burning question about my life here let me know and I'll consider the topic for a future entry. Who knows, I may be inspired sooner.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Big Brother is 60! Ouch!

I called my brother, Dan, to wish him a happy birthday today. He turned 60. I had to let him know how hard it is on me to have a brother that old! (Please understand my big brother takes full advantage of all big brother teasing-rights, I need to get my licks in where I can.)

This photo was taken about 13 and a half months ago just after our sister died. We went out to her home in Washington to sort out her belongings. I left for Kenya about 3 weeks later. Dan is absolutely the best big brother a girl could have! Too bad he's so old. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dork of the Day

Friday I am sure I got the award for the most idiotic thing a person can do. First let me justify myself by telling you that here in Kenya we have 'normal' screw in light bulbs and we also have these 'pin' type. Those bulbs fit in a certain slot and then you push and turn the bulb a quarter turn for it to make the connection.

I was over at one of our guest flats checking on a few details for our influx of visitors for the busy graduation season. I noticed the dining room light was missing a bulb. You guessed it, I stuck my finger in the socket to see if it takes a screw or pin type bulb. I got a really good 220 volt shock! Here's the singed finger to prove it. (How was I to know it was switched on. And I didn't intend to touch all the way up!)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Home

A few folks have asked for photos of the new place I'm in. It really looks a lot like the old place because it's all the same stuff in there. It's rearranged a little due to smaller rooms. But it doesn't look a lot different. Two views of the living room; above from the front door looking in, below up at the kitchen looking back. Dr Bruce D built the cool "wall buffet" that for himself and left it for me!
This will be an office space for us. And possible a spare guest room.
My bedroom has a small bathroom off it. And a back door to an outside balcony.
The back balcony out my room is essentially the laundry room. I am blessed to have a washing machine!

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Fines from the City of Nairobi

Evidentially Nairobi City Council is stepping up their basic urban law enforcements. Some of these laws are going to be really challenging to obey! We’ll see how it goes.

Please take note and be careful and spread this message to your brothers & sisters:

Pedestrians crossing the roads in Nairobi when traffic light is red – fine is Kshs. 10,000/=
Motorist moving on when the traffic light is red – fine Kshs 10,000/=
Pedestrians crossing the road while talking on their mobile phones – fine is Kshs. 500/=
Boarding/Alighting at non designated matatu stops - fine 10,000/=
Unfastened seat belt - fine 500/=
Worn out tyres - Fine Kshs 10,000/=
Double parking -Fine Kshs 20,000/=

Honestly, the least amount of fine (under $10) is for an unfastened seatbelt which might be the most fatal thing of all of these violations. Well, that and trying to cross a road while talking on a mobile phone.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The New Place

I have been officially in since Monday morning. The house is enough arranged to be livable. The furniture is set in the living room, dining room, my bedroom and my new housemate’s room. But the office and guest rooms are not really ready. And the kitchen is functional, but not really set yet.

In Kenya, everyone has their own major appliances. You take them with you when you move. I brought my fridge and cooker (stove) from the other place, but the cooker doesn’t fit in the allotted space for the cooker. It’s hooked up but it’s sort of in the middle of the room. Everything works, but it’s hard to tell if the rest of the kitchen is in the ‘right’ place because I’m constantly walking around the cooker to get this or that. A small price to pay for being out of the flood zone. And eventually I will do something about it.

In the meantime it’s started raining again after about a week and a half of being dry. Last night my whole body tensed as the light rain turned to a rapid downpour. It took only a moment to remember that I was safe. But in the next moment I remembered the former tenants telling me that roof leaks sometimes when it rains hard with high winds. I ventured onto the clothes washing balcony to get a couple of buckets, just in case. Nothing came in.

I should be sleeping soundly, if only I could get to bed early enough. But there is always something to do around here.

I'll try to take and post some photos over the weekend.